Program item reference
The Cruel Tale of the Medicine Man
Film screening
Ticket Code
The Cruel Tale of the Medicine Man (2)
Film screening
Ticket Code

Film description
Mr. Choade, the director of The House of Choade, a Grand Guignol theatre, has made an evil bargain with the Medicine Man, who has promised to help him make an artistic leap. A young girl, Linda, who has just been released from a mental hospital, gets a job performing at the House of Choade and becomes embroiled in these machinations. Linda's ex-girlfriend Roxy re-connects with her and attempts to save her. This film, a dark comedy by first time director James Habacker, was shot in Manhattan and features many luminaries from the downtown performance art scene centered around the Slipper Room.
James Habacker
Film duration
Language spoken
Production country
Production year